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Step into a world of elegance and timeless beauty with our new Regency Collection – an exquisite celebration of refined sophistication and delicate craftsmanship, inspired by the architecture, fashion and glamour of the early 19th century.

From elegant sinamay boaters with intricate structural folds to hand-sculpted designs that embody the artistry of millinery, each piece in this collection is a masterpiece of modern craftsmanship.

Camilla Rose’s hats and headbands are crafted to elevate your ensemble for every spring and summer occasion, seamlessly blending timeless sophistication with modern finesse.


The entirety of our collection, including the stunning new Regency Collection, is now available for hire at a fraction of the retail price. Explore our carefully curated selection and discover the perfect piece to elevate your look for any occasion, without the commitment of purchase. Browse our collection here and indulge in luxury for less!