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Beautiful, sculptural handmade hats, headpieces & hair accessories. Alongside our seasonal collections, which can be customised, we also offer a hat hire service, bespoke commissions and bridal headpieces. Founder and creative director Camilla Robertson, designs and hand crafts her striking hats and headpieces from her studio in Hampshire. Camilla has a loyal client base and her hats are regularly worn by stylish racegoers, wedding guests, members of the British Royal family, and racing presenters. Her work regularly features in leading international press.


Step into a world where nature’s beauty meets exquisite craftsmanship. The Geologica Collection draws inspiration from the captivating formations and textures found in rock formations and other geological wonders. This collection celebrates the artistry of geology through innovative hat designs that reflect the stunning intricacies of the earth and Camilla Rose’s well known sculptural style.

Each piece is thoughtfully crafted to embody the essence of nature, showcasing rich colors and unique textures that evoke the timeless beauty of our planet. From layered silhouettes reminiscent of sedimentary rock to bold shapes inspired by majestic mountain peaks, the Geologica Collection transforms the raw elements of geology into wearable milinery.

As always with Camilla Rose, all hats and headpieces in the collection are fully customisable. Choose from a variety of colours to perfectly coordinate with your outfit. Whether you’re looking for a subtle complement or a bold statement piece, we ensure each creation reflects your unique style.


The entirety of our collection, including the stunning new Geologica Collection, is available for hire at a fraction of the retail price. Explore our curated selection and find the perfect piece to elevate your look without the commitment of purchase. Browse our collection here!