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Panel Discussion & Sample Sale @ Barnsgrove


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Panel Discussion & Sample Sale @ Barnsgrove

We have a real treat in store in the run-up to Cheltenham (11 to 14 March). We’ve invited Hampshire based Camilla Rose – milliner to the stars – to come and share her hot tips on headwear for those increasingly rare occasions that we indulge in a hat.

Join us for a panel discussion with Camilla and our founder Jo about Camilla’s business and how it started, her vision, progress and where she sees it going in the next 5 years.

Camilla is the doyenne of millinery glamour. If you’re in the market for a new hat, or more interested in hiring one, Camilla’s hat collection is a thing of beauty.

Tickets are £30 for non-members and £25 for members.

Ticket price includes the Talk, an Apple Cider Mule (alcoholic or non-alcoholic), Nibbles and priority viewing of Camilla’s sample sale and the new SS25 collection.

Members please book your tickets in the membership portal / app.


Earlier Event: May 2
Pop up @ Ridley London
Later Event: March 7
Sample Sale @ Barnsgrove